Friday, June 6, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

25 | a birthday recap

I turned 25, ya'll.

A quarter century. Halfway to fifty. Five years closer to the ultimate looming youth crossover point of 30. People always ask if you feel different on your birthday, and usually the answer is no, except perhaps for feeling a little fatter post-birthday cake eating. But honestly, I think I kinda felt this one. This one felt kinda big. Maybe it's the complete 180 my life has taken in the past year, but I really do feel different.

Other than the complete wall I've hit in terms of not being able to drink all the vodka I want, and not caring that much if I call an early Friday night, there's something else. I feel like from age 15 to right about now I've been speeding through at breakneck speed trying to make sure I made something of myself at a young age. Like if I didn't do something huge before 25, it's over, I've failed. Accomplishments just seem to mean more and seem bigger when accompanied by youth.

And for a while I was panicking. My successes felt small, much too small to be on track with the scope of my ambition. Suddenly, I had no time left, it was over, I missed my window. Then sadness, anger, and a couple weeks of dark introspection led to this thought- I don't think I'll ever truly be satisfied with any accomplishment, no matter what size. I'm always going to be pushing myself to that next level. And I think, I'm okay with that.

With that lil life lesson, here's a quick photo montage of some of the remnant of the amazing surprise party my friend Colleen threw me. So few photos exist of the actual party because it was way too fun for photographs.

The party was Space Princess themed.

Face bedazzling station for gemstone faces.

A wall of dogs with jobs.

A space princess castle.

What 25 kind of feels like.

Friday, January 24, 2014

YES // fashion


Just everything about this. From it's subject matter (inspired by the meditative next level state of being that drugs and/or dreams bring) to Zebra Katz' LST CTRL track, it's like, perfect. (Fun fact, there's a bike sitting on my house's back porch that belongs to him that he has yet to pick up.)

I love when huge companies like Red Bull, Adidas and even Nike put money towards supporting new and innovative design that they know will never reach their mass audience. Even if it's all part of a larger strategy of something that is ultimately a hyperconstructed brand image, small artists and forward thinkers still reap the benefit and seem to retain creative control on their funded projects.

Love this dark bold palette mixed with the matte sheen of the leather and club kid styling. The model in the video makes me pine for dark London clubs, lasers, deep body-pounding music, and well styled gender-ambiguous people that only seem to exist after the sun goes down. I really have to get a passport. And an English boyfriend.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

CURRENTLY SPINNING // the range - metal swing

Currently obsessed with this track by The Range. When I listen to it I think of the UK, and Aitor Throup, and guys with short dreads in soccer jerseys with gold teeth.

A secret dream of mine is to move to somewhere like Baltimore, live in a $200/mo apartment and just collect sounds and curate them for like a year and make this kind of music.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

YUMZ // bibimbap

The literal only reason it's bearable to work in Midtown.
Bibimbap frok K-town. Or really any food from K-town.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

MY BODY // currently spinning

I live in a loud house with a bunch of musicians, so I get the benefit of constantly being introduced to new beats and sounds. If you can handle loud midnight recording sessions in the living room, spiderwebs of monster cables all over the house and a new roommate every two months due to touring schedules, and are really passionate at all about music, LIVE WITH MUSICIANS, something new is always happening or being created. Which is completely welcome in this new boring 9-6 lifestyle I'm living now/in denial about. Yay for my false adulthood.

So a couple of months ago I headed to The Silent Barn in Bushwick for a lil show and ended up falling in love with My Body. My Body is a band hailing from Portland, Darren on percussive beats and Jordan's vocals and melodies. Together they create an R&B-inspired dreamscape that rolled over my eardrums like candy. Jordan's vocals have a very subtle country styling as they float over perfectly designed percussion. Performing next to Silent Barns's glowing moon made everything so dreamy.

I got to catch them a second time last week at Glasslands, and watching them play below the undulating light pipe installations was like being transported to an underwater coral reef with a soundtrack. They don't have an EP yet, but I'm definitely getting it as soon as it comes out. It's the type of music that I could sit down and design a collection to.

Check out their video New Cat below!

My Body - New Cat from Calvin Waterman on Vimeo.